The basis of our wide range consists of a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables from Dutch soil. Thanks to our affiliated growers and suppliers abroad, each with their own expertise and products, we can also offer products that cannot be produced in the Netherlands all year round, such as sweet peppers, cucumbers, and certain outdoor crops. Besides these products, we also import exotic fruit and vegetables from countries such as Thailand, Costa Rica, South Africa, Brazil, New Zealand, and other countries in Europe. For instance, we also offer mini vegetables, herbs, citrus fruits, stone fruits, and garlic.
Fresh every day
Many of our growers sort and package their products themselves. This optimizes the freshness and shelf life of the products, but also ensures extra sustainability in the chain. Fewer products are lost and there are fewer transport movements. Naturally, this also saves money. Our product range consists of the following product groups:
- Fruiting vegetables
- Soft fruit
- Hard fruit
- Citrus fruit
- Stone fruit
- Exotic fruit & vegetables
- Cresses & herbs
Our products end up with Swiss retailers, wholesalers, caterers, and the processing industry. We know all the changes and developments in the local and European markets, and we adapt our range to the wishes and needs of our clients.
In the right packaging
The right packaging means we can ensure that our products remain fresh and high in quality, are transported well, and look good. We remain critical, and always try to improve our packaging through research to ensure optimum ease of use.
Got any more questions about our products and services? We'd love to hear from you!